Tantric massages for women
Tantric bodywork
Tantric massage is an element from Tantra, an ancient Indian teaching dedicated to mindful and conscious sexuality. In our understanding, the body is an energetic map, which includes chakras and meridians.
Our tantric massage for women is about discovering blockages on this map, feeling them and dissolving them with you so that the energy can flow again. In particular, we work gently and mindfully with your sexual energy, as it contains our life energy in its essence. What energy is stronger than the life force that creates life. Samuel Hahnemann explained in homeopathy that only our life force, properly activated and / or stimulated, brings complete healing of all diseases.
Women can give life to a child from this energy and create anything they desire. They go through pregnancy calmly and powerfully, give birth and bring light into the darkness. With this power they can create many things: their own business, a creative idea or dissolve or manifest their deepest wishes and desires. This is that creative power and the epitome of femininity that we always talk about. You are not only creating something new in the world, but after the “birth” of your heart’s desire, you become a new version of yourself.
Tantric massages for women
Tantric bodywork
Thus we are convinced that it is important to activate and/ or cultivate sexual energy in our lives. To connect your pelvis, with all its sexual organs, with your heart and to fill the consciousness and the mind with this energy. To build a relationship with the yoni, to trust it and to dive into love with it.
In the course of the Tantra massage for women, the sexual energy is built up and guided through the body through sensual, conscious and mindful touch. Everything can be included in a natural way, even those places that are tainted with shame due to socially acquired values and norms, such as the anus and perineum. Of course, we will be guided by your topic and will not do anything you don’t want. We only serve your needs and your development during the whole session.
During the tantric massage you deal with your nakedness on a physical and emotional basis and meet your masseur/therapist on this level. In this phase, the first physical insecurities often become apparent, which are caused by shame. This shame is an important basic feeling in us humans and absolutely healthy and normal. This shame helps us to connect with our desire and to enter into the deeper feelings through it. Feel free to call us for help if your shame is too big for you and you cannot take the next steps to us.
Through the traditional beginning ritual, which includes the veneration of every part of the body, we accompany our sisters through the self-doubt with and towards shame. We build a contact at eye level. There is no valence, only the current lived moment, with everything that shows. The massage is given out of love, in love and for love.
Tantric massages for women
Tantric bodywork
In the tantric massage for women a curve is created, starting with the arrival in you, through the feeling of sensuality and arousal. In conventional sex there is often a fixation on the sexual organs. In this case, the women in the pool are connected to the element of water. This means that they need a longer “warm-up” phase until the water starts to boil. The vulva is not touched suddenly and directly, but slowly and attentively. This also only happens when the body and the energy show that it is flowing properly. In addition, we do not simply penetrate, but together we ask your vagina whether it is ready to open and receive. If so, we gently and sensually start to pamper, massage and relax the inside of your yoni. Here it is important to be aware of where you are standing. Depending on where you are, we work on your pain, numbness, trauma or tension in an incredibly loving way. We build up a healing massage where we look at where there are still hindering, painful or blocking emotions and feelings.
It doesn’t matter if you have experienced sexual violence, pregnancy or childbirth, or if you have certainly already ignored yourself a time or two. You have said yes, although you meant no. You wanted to please your partner and do something good for him/her, even though you were not ready for it yourself. All these are traumas that are stored in the yoni and prevent you from living your full sexual potential.
During the massage we can explore your G-spot together and train you to ejaculate. Consciously perceive which point is located where in your yoni. Together we can see what feels good and what doesn’t. Where does pleasure arise and where is sadness or anger triggered. We can talk more with each other during the session or just exchange verbal information. Even towards the end, we don’t just pull the finger out as if we were pulling a plug. We work gently and take the time you and your body need. The so-called “after-room” is just as important as the massage itself, in order to round off and integrate the whole experience harmoniously.
Tantric massages for women
Tantric bodywork
That is why the conversation before the massage is very important to us. In this conversation we discuss your theme and intention. Feminine challenges are often issues such as lack of desire, pain and numbness in the vagina, inability to orgasm, pressure to perform, trauma, painful menstruation, fear of touch or sensitivity to touch. Depending on your openness and willingness to talk about yourself, we can already get first views of your physical map in this conversation. In this way, we see and understand you more intimately in our hearts even before the tantric massage.
We create and hold a safe and trauma-informed space from the first encounter to the last. This includes keeping boundaries and finding out together where your needs, unconsciousness in relation to your body or your obstacles lie. In the conversation we clarify how you can and want to be touched, if you know this. If there are parts of the body that are very triggering, we will deal with them gently in different sessions. We do not trigger any retraumatisation, but only go as deep as you are able to. We explain how you can deal with arising, unpleasant emotions in a quiet and relaxed way and hold you and the space.
One’s own sexuality and the challenges that come with it are a very sensitive topic and are tainted with shame and taboo in society. We have a thousand activities we can do to not have to deal with it and also many people around us who confirm that pure pleasure, sexual power and naturalness only cause problems and are not important. Many women confirm to us again and again to be surrounded with attitudes of colleagues: “It just has to hurt a bit” or “My menstruation has always hurt, you have to live with it”.
Accordingly, it is important for us to create opportunities for you to get to know yourself authentically and learn to surrender to yourself and let go. The tantric massage for women can open emotional blockages and bring out the most diverse feelings. The inner softness that emerges can lead to surges of emotion, which we catch and release together.
Everything that shows up is allowed to show up and is right in the moment. We will meet this quietly and mindfully, openly, so that the woman learns to accept herself and to feel in love.
Traumas are stored in our body and we can feel them through the body, bring them into the flow and dissolve them.
Every massage is different. It is unique each time and has its healing effect. The encounter lasts between 1 and 4 hours, depending on how you can surrender or what theme you want to bring in.
We welcome you in a sensually furnished room that picks up all your senses. There is a pleasant scent in the air, gentle sounds are heard, the temperature is set so that you can let yourself go. The room is very important to us so that you feel comfortable and can immerse yourself.
The tantric massage for women is about sensual experiences, about attentive touch, about diving into the sexual energy, being in the moment with it and surrendering to the healing of your desire with it. We accompany the woman on her way into sexual self-determination and into deep feeling and surrender.
We honour and carry femininity in our hearts. That is why our encounters are very warm and loving.
If you have further questions, please contact us now.
We are happy to be there for you.
Our team for tantric massages for women – tantric bodywork
Our prices:
Tantric massages for women – tantric bodywork
180 minutes – 650.00 SFr.
150 minutes – 550.00 SFr.
120 minutes – 430.00 SFr.
90 minutes – 320.00 SFr.
60 minutes – 230.00 SFr. ab dem 1. Januar 2024 270.00 SFr.
Tantric massages for couples
150 minutes – 650.00 SFr.
120 minutes – 550.00 SFr.
90 minutes – 430.00 SFr.

You can pay with all major cards and credit cards free of charge.
All our prices are inclusive of VAT.
The prices refer to the massage time only.
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