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Ein schönes Erlebnis

Liebe Natalie,
Herzlichen Dank für deine sehr tiefgehende Massage; du schaffst es mit deinem Einfühlungsvermögen immer die richtige Intensität zu treffen. Herzlichen Dank !

Martin Tantramassage 05.07.2024

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Das war eine wunderbare Begegnung! Gespräch und Massage waren einfach super! Vielen Dank liebe Naline

Mark Tantramassage 25.06.2024

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Pure Magie

Naline‘s intuitive Massagekunst ist heilend, bestärkend und beglückend-ein unvergessliches Geschenk! Danke dir.

Manolito Tantramassage 15.03.2024

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Pure Magie

Naline‘s intuitive Massagekunst ist heilend, bestärkend und beglückend-ein unvergessliches Geschenk! Danke dir.

Manolito Tantra 08.03.2024

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Einfach fallen lassen

Ich konnte mich Natalie, dieser äusserlich wie innerlich wunderschönen Frau, einfach anvertrauen und fallen lassen. Sie hat gespürt, was mir gut tut und mich in meine Mitte und zu einem wunderbaren Rausch geführt. Ich freue mich auf die nächste Begegnung.

Thomas Tantramassage 120 Minuten 06.12.2023

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Nicht nur super Massge, aber darüber hinaus verständnisvoll und liebevoll. Richtige tantrische Liebe! Nicht traurig, wenn die Begegnung vorbei ist, sondern dankbar für diese unvergleichbare Erfahrung.

Josef Tantra Classic 90 min 28.11.2023

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Lieber Tobias. Gestern habe ich meine erste Tangtra-Yoga-Session in Zürich erlebt, das war ein sehr schönes, tiefgehendes Erlebnis. Ich werde sicher dran bleiben und wiederkommen. Theresia hat das super gemacht, sehr natürlich, entspannt und sehr kompetent. Offenbar hat sie eine eigene Webseite, leider habe ich den Namen vergessen. Könntest du mir da evtl. weiterhelfen? Herzlichen Dank und Namaste, Viktor

Viktor Hagen Tantra-Yoga 03.11.2023

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Sonne im Herzen

Ich habe die wunderbarste Massage erleben dürfen, die durch Natalie’s phantastische sinnlich-zarte Hände und Gegenwart mich in eine lichvolle Wärme gehüllt hat und mich vollkommen in die Mitte in hier und jetzt gebracht hat, wir eine Sonne ist Sie mir erschienen. Es ist eine Erfahrung die ich nur wärmstens weiter empfehlen kann!
Ich freue mich auf eine neue Gelegenheit!

Patrick Tantramassage 28.08.2023

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Magische Hände

Olivia ist eine wunderschöne geduldige und einfühlsame Frau. Man kann sich total fallen lassen und sich in Ihre Hände übergeben. Die Massage war intensiv und von Höhen und Tiefen geprägt. Ich freue mich auf das nächste mal.

Tantramassage 29.07.2023

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Gefühl des Schwebens

Einfühlsame und liebevolle Massage durch Natalie. Durch dein feinfühliges Gespür für meine Reaktionen und Bedürfnisse ein sehr wohltuendes Erlebnis. Es fühlt sich an wie das Schweben in einer anderen Welt. Vielen Dank für die unvergesslichen Momente. Gerne komme ich bald wieder zu dir.

Martin Tantramassage 11.03.2023

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Geborgenheit Nähe Loslassen Freiheit

Liebe Linda
Herzlichen Dank
Es war eine wunderbare Erfahrung für mich .
Danke für deine liebevolle Art ich hatte mich immer sehr wohl gefühlt.

Herzliche Grüße

Luc Kuscheln/Festhaltetherapie/Bonding 06.02.2023

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Die Energie fliesst

Ein wundervoller Nachmittag der alle Erwartungen übertroffen hat. Natalie hat mich einfühlsam in mein Inneres geführt und mit Ihrer Energie ermöglicht das ich völlig loslassen konnte. Eine wunderbare Erfahrung welche ich gerne bei Gelegenheit wiederholen möchte. Danke !

Martin Tantra Massage 02.02.2023

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heilende Hände

Liebe Maria – zum zweiten Mal hast Du mich verzaubert mit Deiner einfühlsamen Massage. Und heute habe ich erlebt: Du hast heilende Hände. Dafür danke ich Dir von ganzem Herzen

P. Tantramassage 02.02.2023

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Es ist ganz einfach…..

… wow wunderbar, Danke Maria für Dein da sein. Du hast mich wunderbar abgeholt genau dort wo ich war. Mich erleben lassen das es ok ist genau so zu sein wie ich bin. Es war wunderbar Heilsam Dich zu treffen.

Christian Session mit Maria 14.01.2023

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Himmlische Massage…

Perfekte Massage…super sympathische Nathalie…vielen Dank!!!

Mark Tantramassage 30.11.2022

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Liebe Traumreise

Ein zauberhaft zärtliches Liebeserlebnis ohne Worte: Zauberhände der allerbesten Art!

Samuel Tantramassage 30.11.2022

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Carried by loving hands

The massage with Natalie was a wonderful dream, as I was able to completely let go and enjoy just the right touches from sensual-soft and also strong and brought me into oneness. A wonderful experience that I can only recommend.

Patrick Tantra-Massage 11.11.2022

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Homeopathy at its best

Dear Tobias, i am thrilled how quickly you found the right homeopathic remedy for me. And it was absolutely the right one! After three days of taking it, I came to an inner peace and understanding with myself and my situation that I have not experienced for a long time My issue was still there, but I could look at it calmly and lovingly and it no longer triggered any pain in me Dear Tobias, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sensitive and competent guidance Frank

Frank Homöopathische Behandlung 31.10.2022

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pure gratitude

Dear Tobias, thank you so much for the experience of being touched by you! I felt safe and secure in your hands! Your touches went deep and gave me a piece of healing again!

A bit more of the feeling of being whole and the permission to accept and love everything about me. You have a wonderful quality of touch: it was authentic, gentle, sensual, erotic and very close. You brought my energy back into flow and opened up new possibilities for me.

Even today I can still feel it and enjoy having cultivated another part of myself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

With love N.

N. Tantramassage 15.10.2022

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Passed the practical exam, gave me confidence!

Dear Tobias
I passed my practical exam and it was good!🙏
I am so happy about that!😀
Thank you again for letting me practice the yoga class with you and thank you for your encouragement and helpful tips!
You have been very supportive and helped me move forward! 😘
Your tips have given me more confidence!🤩
Be hugged from the bottom of my heart!🤗
Best regards! Anke

Anke TantraYoga Private Session 23.09.2022

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It hardly gets any better than this

A wonderful massage, just the right mix of gentleness and strength. Thank you Linda, we will see you again in October

J. Klassische Ganzkörpermassage 14.09.2022

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With Daniela I was able to enjoy a Tantra massage that was wonderful in every way. I felt 100% comfortable and relaxed, the good feeling accompanied me for days. I will be very happy to come again.

Hans Tantramassage 26.07.2022

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Grateful beyond measure

Dear Tobias,

thank you very, very much for what you did today with the two of us.

It was very special and unique for us, we appreciate it very, very much, are grateful to you beyond measure and look forward to meeting you again next Thursday.

Anke und Klaus 18.07.2022

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Time to relax

I was able to really let go and relax for the first time in a long time. Thank you for that! Your sensitive and considerate manner helped me to get rid of my initial nervousness immediately. And your touch quickly made me forget my everyday worries. Your massage was outstanding 🙂

Andi klassische Ganzkörpermassage 22.05.2022

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Closeness and security

Dear Linda I was recently able to enjoy a wonderful cuddling experience. The closeness and the touch were wonderful and I am very grateful to you that you responded to me so sensitively and without prejudice. After about 2 years at a distance without much physical touch, this offer is all the more valuable. See you soon and best regards R

R Kuscheln / Festhaltetherapie / Bonding 01.05.2022

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great respect trust

5 out of 5 beautiful,
in respect and trust
thank you Ortrud

christophe massage 90 minutes 23.02.2022

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Zauberhafte Erfahrung

Liebe Linda Schon länger ist es nun her, aber wir denken beide immer noch sehr gerne an die einzigartige Erfahrung zurück, die wir mit Dir erleben durften. Mit Deiner einfühlsamen, kommunikativen, offenen und herzlichen Art hast Du uns bereits beim Einführungsgespräch abgeholt und die Nervosität genommen. Dein Aufbau und Deine Erklärungen waren schlüssig und gut nachvollziehbar. Die Atmosphäre war stets sehr angenehm und sinnlich. Wir haben es genossen eine neue Art der körperlichen und erotischen Begegnung kennenzulernen, auf einander einzugehen und mittels sanfter Berührungen Nähe und Geborgenheit zu erfahren. Für unsere Beziehung und war der Kurs ein Gewinn und hat uns nochmals anders aufmerksam auf die Bedürfnisse und Gefühle des anderen gemacht. Wir können diesen Kurs allen experimentierfreudigen Paaren nur empfehlen. Linda schafft es mit ihrer Professionalität und gleichzeitig sehr ehrlichen und offenen Art eine nicht ganz alltägliche Situation sehr angenehm und stimmig zu gestalten und Hemmungen abzulegen. Ein grosses Dankeschön und herzliche Grüsse C und R

C und R Tantra Paarmassage 18.12.2021

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Wonderful massage session

A wonderful massage session It was a beautiful journey under your fingers I felt relaxed and full of energy at the same time

Seb Tantra classic 22.11.2021

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Dear Franziska, Thank you so much for the wonderful physical and spiritual experience! It was great and I will definitely be back! Mark

Mark Tantramassage 11.10.2021

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You can’t get more comfortable than with Kamila. Wonderful from A to Zü

Andi Tantra Masssge 07.10.2021

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It was a very deep and sensitive massage with Kamila, which set a lot of things in motion in my body. I have had several massages, but Kamila is unbeatable when it comes to depth. In addition, Kamila is an extremely lovely person with a very positive and winning aura. It will not be my last visit with Kamila.

Robert Tantra Expert 07.09.2021

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Thank you

Dear Kamila,
Thank you so much for giving me such a wonderful time!
I am rebalanced, feel relaxed and full of energy at the same time.
You are so gifted!

Mark Tantra classic 25.08.2021

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Deepest Sensuality

Dear Kamila, I didn’t expect to meet an angel. Your welcoming tantric hug was the beginning of a long chain of inner bonding. It has been the ultimate massage experience, a sensual power I haven’t experienced before. Your tantra expertise is in a class of its own, you have such a gift. Thank you for every moment! Stefan

Stefan Tantramassage Profi 22.08.2021

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From depression to joie de vivre

Dear Tobias, in only 5 sessions more beautiful and moving things happened than in any other form of therapy. I was able to observe my “in-relationship patterns” in peace and quiet, without being distracted by your expectations of my needs. Your loving and intense touches gave me support and security and a lot of nurturing energy. I also found you very authentic in the conversations and I could feel your genuineness well and thus gain trust. Thank you very much, I will gladly come again.

Dina Tantrisch therapeutische Körperarbeit 06.07.2021

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Esther has lifted my body mind and soul into bliss.

josef Tantra Massage 29.06.2021

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What an experience tonight

What an experience tonight with you, I can still feel the energy you released in me. I realised what I still have to do to release it, but I am happy. I feel happy to have felt your hands on my body tonight.
You do it very professionally, the reception was very relaxed and everything else just top!!!!
You take you to another world
Thank you very much for the experience and I hope it was not the last time.

Salvo Tantramassage Classic 29.04.2021

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A healing journey!

I had almost completely lost my interest in sex after my divorce and the specific circumstances around it. I decided to give Tantra a try with a hope that a sexual wound and scar could be healed through the incorporation of my own sexuality within myself again.

So, for that I have reached out to Theresa first in September 2020 and once again some weeks ago in February 2021. Theresa was very kind, understanding and helpful not only on the massage but also on the consultation, which helped me a lot on understanding that I could feel and accept love (and “lust”) to be given to me again.

The first session was a bit more an introduction and assessment for me as a new “pupil” in the Tantra world. But on the second session I was able to deeply connect myself to my own body and to Theresa (as she acted as a channel to my sexual energy) in an almost out of body experience! I felt deeply taken care of throughout the whole session! I am looking forward to see Theresa again to continue with this process, and am now excited to meet a new lover with whom I can get a even deeper connection that goes beyond the one coming from a master-pupil relationship.

I’m grateful to Theresa for sparkling that missing fire within myself again!

Daniel Tantra Massage Classic 17.03.2021

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Enjoyable session

Dear Theresa,
that was a most enjoyable session. It is remarkable how much attention you are able to give; your strength, your calmness, your patience and attention seem to be boundless. Thank you very much!

M. Tantramassage Classic 15.03.2021

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Dear Theresa Even after a few weeks I remember the tantric massage very fondly. From the first moment I was very warmly received by you. With the beginning of the massage I could let myself fall completely. Your sensuality and your touch enchanted me. Thank you for this moment and I will be happy to come back.

Miguel Tantramassagen Profi 10.03.2021

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Very helpful

Dear Tobias
Thank you very much for the great coaching on the phone, it was very helpful for me. I was able to accept your intuition and your friendly clarity. The images you gave me, especially that of the lion, immediately triggered me to find peace and strength. Thank you very much for that

Klaus Telefonberatung / Coaching 21.02.2021

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Enfolded in a loving cloud

Thank you Esther for your wonderful loving presence. Enfolded in a loving cloud: I find myself floating in a loving cloud outside of time and space wrapped in your tender hands. Thank you very, very much. Until next time Paddy

Paddy Tantramassage Profi 30.12.2020

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Arrive – find yourself – go within yourself

Esther is warm-hearted, cordial and generous, and her massages are like that: moving journeys of discovery to oneself. Esther is a master of her craft. She knows how to touch that gets under the skin. The body is the tool, but something in the depth of your being is touched. Everything that emerges is given its rightful space: small gifts in the form of sensations and feelings. Intimate sensations that rise from outside of time to the conscious surface: Pleasurable, surprising, painful or thrilling moments. The energies flow. Esther directs them sovereignly. She leans the doors to the new spaces that have been opened only slightly, so that they can be easily opened again the next time. Many thanks for these far-reaching experiences! Tom

Tom Classic, 1.5h 22.12.2020

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Massage with Esther

Great moment of sharing, with confidence, respect, skills Magical hands
Thank you Esther

C. Tantramassage Classic 28.08.2020

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I was allowed to spend a heavenly afternoon in and under the hands of Esther. (It was 90 minutes that felt like a whole afternoon!) Without many words she recognised my needs and deficits and connected with me on the levels of heart, body and energy. It was wonderful. I could just let myself go and enjoy. Thank you very much.

Martin Classic Tantra Massage 28.08.2020

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Surprised and excited

Dear Theresa

Once again I am surprised and thrilled how wonderfully you enchanted me with your tantric massage
It sounds trite, but it was simply fantastic. Thank you so much!

Dani Tantramassage Profi 21.08.2020

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Hello Esther I don’t have many words, I can only say Godly! I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for the wonderful experience you gave me. You are a woman with a beautiful sensual and erotic aura. I have never received so much attention in my life as I did last night. Your touch did me a lot of good and I could feel safe under your hands and your body and experience my sexuality in a new way. I was very moved by how tender you were with me. It is nice that you exist. What could be better than another encounter with you? I look forward to seeing you again Stefan

Stefan Profi 02.08.2020

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Repeat offender

The second time I felt the connection even deeper, even more intensely. With you, tantra goes far beyond the physical level. Thank you very much for that!

Josef 2 h Tantra Classic 02.08.2020

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I am sooo grateful for the email telling me that Esther has the first day at Amantara and that there are still appointments available. About the massage itself: Even if I write on a sheet of A4 paper, I cannot convey the overwhelming experience. The only thing I can do is to express my great enthusiasm and deep gratitude. It is unimaginable but true that Esther and I were on the same “wavelength” from the very beginning. All the best and see you soon!

Josef 90 Min. Classic Tantra Massage 26.07.2020

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