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Home About us Our team Tobias



Owner and Managing Director Certified Tantra Masseur DL Holistic Therapist and Tantra Yoga Teacher, Andro Brazil Certified Tantra Teacher ETI NLP Master, Freshacademy W.Lüth, M.Pletzer Certified life counsellor, Prof. K. Tepperwein Reiki Therapist I and II, Ursula and Jürgen Schröder Schuessler salt consultant, Maria Gasser Study course dreams and dream interpretation, I.f.Traumdeutung SVNH Personality Examination Spiritual Healing Basis, Renée Bonanomi Energy Therapist / Community Building, D.Nicolet Naturopath homeopathy hfnh SHI in training


Tantric-therapeutic bodywork for women Cuddling and holding therapy Coaching and counselling sessions Consultations on psycholytic work TantraYoga

Tobias is available for you on the following days:

Customer opinions regarding the sessions with Tobias:

Dear Tobias, thank you very, very much for what you did today with the two of us. It was very special and unique for us, we appreciate it very, very much, are grateful to you beyond measure and look forward to meeting you again next Thursday.

Anke und Klaus 18.07.2022

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Dear Tobias, i am thrilled how quickly you found the right homeopathic remedy for me. And it was absolutely the right one! After three days of taking it, I came to an inner peace and understanding with myself and my situation that I have not experienced for a long time My issue was still there, weiter lesen…

Frank Homöopathische Behandlung 31.10.2022

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N. Tantramassage 15.10.2022

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Dear Tobias, in only 5 sessions more beautiful and moving things happened than in any other form of therapy. I was able to observe my “in-relationship patterns” in peace and quiet, without being distracted by your expectations of my needs. Your loving and intense touches gave me support and security and a lot of nurturing weiter lesen…

Dina Tantrisch therapeutische Körperarbeit 06.07.2021

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Dear Tobias I passed my practical exam and it was good!🙏 I am so happy about that!😀 Thank you again for letting me practice the yoga class with you and thank you for your encouragement and helpful tips! You have been very supportive and helped me move forward! 😘 Your tips have given me more weiter lesen…

Anke TantraYoga Private Session 23.09.2022

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